Type : | Addon (.js) |
Version : | 1.00 |
Author : | felixlechA |
Created : | 2011 April |
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This addon allows simple management of models and scenes in Softimage XSI.
It is based on exploration of files (ActiveXObject). Suitable for small pipeline, as a pilot series, a short or a commercial. But inadequate for bigger productions that generate thousands of files (series, films, etc. ...), where the use of a database will be smarter (and much faster in execution).
It contains two plugins. One for the models and one for the scenes.
Mia Model Manager Plugin
- "
Import models" to import model with netview (local or ref), where they are displayed with an image or not and they are grouped by prefix.
"Export model(s)" to export multiple models at the same time, and for each define the behavior :
- Overwrite older version
- Backup older version incremented before exports the current
- Skip/Cancel exports
- "Add annotation" to add an Annotation on selected models. Annotation is named "Mia_ModelManager_Comments". By default it contain the date the user name. You can remove his infos or add yours.
- Annotation's content is read at the export and writes in a .txt file who is create to same location of the model.
- At the importation, the .txt (if it existe) is read, his content overwrites the infos in model and the Annotation Property is inpected.
This allows to transmit informations about the model (state, version,...) and read edit his infos without
opened Softimage (production note, list to do, ...).
- "Explore Folder" open the folder who contain the model(s). Folder path is defined in Plugin's preferences.
Commands Import & Export don't work before you define a folder path in the "Preferences / Setup".
How used this plugin :
- use the Mia_Model_Manager Menu in the Main File Menu
- Open the Netview to import model with the command : "Mia_ImportModel_Cmd();"
- Export selected model(s) with the command : "Mia_ExportModel_Cmd();"
- Assign a shortcut to the Commands ( Mia_ImportModel_Cmd & Mia_ExportModel_Cmd )
Mia Scene Manager Plugin
- "Open Scene" allows you to open a scene normally. If a .txt file named like the scene file existe at the same location, an Annotation Property is added to the scene root with the .txt
"Save Scene" save the scene like "Save As" if the scene has never been saved.
If the scene has already been saved, you have three choices :
- Overwrite older Scene
- Backup older Scene incremented before saves the current
- Skip / Cancel save
- "Add annotation" to add an Annotation to current Scene. Annotation is named "Mia_SceneManager_Comments". By default it contain the date the user name. You can remove his infos or add yours.
- Annotation's content is read at the Save and writes in a .txt file who is create to same location of the Scene file.
- When you open scene, the .txt (if it existe) is read, his content overwrites the infos in the Annotation Property and the Property is inpected.
This allows to transmit informations about the Scene (state, version,...) and read edit his infos without opened Softimage (production note, list to do, ...).
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How used this plugin :
- use the Mia_Scene_Manager Menu in the Main File Menu
- Open Scene with the command : "Mia_OpenScene_Cmd();"
- Save Scene with the command : "Mia_SaveScene_Cmd();"
- Assign a shortcut to the Commands ( Mia_OpenScene_Cmd & Mia_SaveScene_Cmd )
Futures Updates :
- For the Mia_ModelManager, add Model's Picture auto generation. Why not ? Add Import several models at once.
- add Plugin : Custom Images Management.